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Custom Orthotics for Hallux Rigidus

Common symptoms include:

  • Typically present in the greater toe.
  • Throbbing ache during extension and flexion.
  • Stiffness, during first steps after rest.
  • Difficulty flexing your foot or pointing your toes.

If these conditions sound familiar, book your appointment today and let us help you get back on your feet pain free!

Custom Orthotics Designed for Osteoarthritis in the Toes:

  • First ray extension - A plastic extension that sits under the greater toe that prevents extension and flexion in the joint.
  • Metatarsal pad - a triangular shaped padding that sits behind the bases of your toes to help spread the joint capsule and prevent inflammation.
  • Full length posting - may be necessary if you are walking in an abducted 'duck' stance position or coming off the inside of the greater toe, causing torsion affects up the leg - to the knee.
    • When you come off the inside of the greater toe, it can pinch the joint space and cause inflammation.
  • Forefoot/heel padding - to reduce the effect of impact forces at the joints of the toes and up the leg.
  • Customized arch support - dissipates pressure throughout the foot and knee.
  • Neutral casting - to align your feet and lower limbs in order to place them in the most optimal position for gait.

Book Now for Custom Orthotics