Mena Atalla
PTResident Physiotherapist
Mena is a Physiotherapy resident, graduating from Western University. Prior to completing his Physiotherapy Degree, Mena graduated with honours, earning an Honours Specialization in Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology, from the University of Western Ontario.
Mena has a passion for sports and rehabilitation, truly believing that the key to getting better is becoming stronger and more adaptable. His first experience in the field was as a student trainer with Westerns Varsity Men’s Basketball team during their 2020-2021 season. Mena has experience with multiple sports including basketball, football, volleyball and soccer.
Mena uses a combination of manual therapy, functional exercises, taping, and patient centered education to help clients return to their sport or back to normal life. He is looking towards furthering his education in acupuncture, active rehab, and advanced manual therapy to help his patients.
In his spare time, Mena enjoys playing basketball, soccer and ping pong.